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Berger Saintius, Speaker at Diabetes Conferences
Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP), Haiti
Title : Epidemiological profile of diabetes in the south department from 2015 to 2021, Haiti


Background: Diabetes is an incurable chronic disease caused by a deficiency or failure to use insulin leading to excess sugar in the blood. According to the WHO, diabetes remains a real public health problem, despite the prevention efforts implemented by the health system. In Haiti, the burden of chronic diseases, especially diabetes, is increasing at an alarming rate. In the southern department, the number of cases of diabetes continues to increase. This study consists of analyzing surveillance data on diabetes cases in the South department from 2015 to 2020.

Methods: A retrospective descriptive study covering the period 2015-2020 was carried out. Data from the Departmental Diabetes Epidemiological Surveillance Service database were used. The variables: Sex, age, origin, have been described. Data were analyzed on Excel and Epi Info 7.2; frequency and proportion measurements were calculated.

Results: From 2015-2021, 16,018 cases of diabetes were notified, 11,451 were women with an M/F sex ratio of 0.39. The majority of 12,038 (75%) cases were aged 50 and over. The commune of Les Cayes was the most affected with 7912 (49%). In 2020, the highest number of cases was recorded, 3950 (25%).

Conclusion: An Increase in cases was observed between 2019 and 2020. In 2021, the cases tend to decrease. There is a predominance of cases in  women. The age group of 50 years and over was the most affected. We recommended strengthening community awareness actions on the risk factors associated with diabetes. Strengthen the health system response to non-communicable diseases, including diabetes.


Since 2013, Mr. Berger Saintius holds a Bachelor's degree in Administrative Sciences from the Public University of Les Cayes, South, and Haiti. For 9 years, he has worked for the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) as Communal Epidemiological Surveillance Officer, Coteaux, South (Haiti). Currently, he is training in Field Epidemiology, intermediate level (FETP-Haiti). He has already contributed to the realization of a CASPER (Rapid Needs Assessment) study carried out by FETP-Haiti / DELR in August 2021 following the earthquake of August 14, 2021 in Haiti; he has also already conducted a survey on the Evaluation of the Epidemiological Surveillance System for Malaria in the southern region of Haiti. His area of interest is epidemiological surveillance.
