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Olguine Artiste, Speaker at Diabetes Conferences
Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP), Haiti
Title : Statistical profile of new case of diabetes in the department of grand'anse 2020-2022, Haiti


Diabetes sweet is defined by elevation chronicle of the concentration of glucose in the blood, to fasting 1.26 g/L or > 2g / L whatever collection time in presence of symptoms clinics, there are 2 types of diabetes: diabetes type1 and 2. An estimated 422 million adults were living with diabetes in 2014, compared to 108 million in 1980. The prevalence world of diabetes has almost double since 1980, rising from 4.7 to 8.5% of the adult population, In Haiti according to a study by Fhadimac, in 1986, 44% of diabetics would have a retinopathy. Data collected in Grand'Anse during these 3 years prove it clearly with 792 new cases of Diabetes. The objective of this study was to analyze departmental data on new cases of diabetes from 2020 to 2022.

Method: A descriptive study was carried out. The data exported on MESI from 2020 to 2022 on new cases of diabetes were used to analyze the variables gender, age, year, municipality, and morbidity the results were presented in the form of tables and graphs.
Result : 792 new cases were recorded 548 (69.1%) were women. 553 (69.8%) were aged 50 and over. The commune of Jérémie was the most affected with 521 (65.7 %). St Antoine de Jérémie hospital recorded 28% of these cases.

Conclusion: Upward trends in new cases of diabetes in the department of Grand'Anse, the commune of Jérémie, the capital of the department, recorded the highest number of cases. Practicing physical exercise, having a healthy diet, reducing stress, maintaining a normal body weight can help prevent type 2 diabetes.


Artist Olguine has a degree in nursing science since 2013, she works for the Department of Epidemiology of Laboratories and Research (DELR) as an Epidemiological Surveillance Officer since 2016 in the department of Grand'Anse, commune Moron (Haiti). She has been working as a nurse at the Moron health center in the department of Grand-Anse/Haiti for 6 years. She is currently a resident at FETP-Haiti, intermediate level.
