Diabetes technology refers to the hardware, tools, and software that people with diabetes use to help them manage their blood glucose levels, avoid diabetes complications, lessen the burden of living with diabetes, and improve their quality of life. Traditionally, diabetes technology has been separated into two categories: insulin delivered via syringe, pen, or pump, and blood glucose monitoring via meter or continuous glucose monitor. More recently, diabetes technology has evolved to include hybrid devices that monitor glucose and deliver insulin, some of which are automated, as well as software that acts as a medical device and assists with diabetes self-management. When used effectively, diabetes technology can enhance people's lives and health; yet, the complexity and rapid development of the diabetes technology environment can also be a barrier to patient and provider acceptance.
Title : Does winter melon (benincasa hispida) improves nutritional values and ameliorating glycaemic parameters?
Wan Rosli Wan Ishak, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Title : Effect of a community-based health behaviour intervention on health-related quality of life in people with type 2 diabetes in Nepal: a cluster randomized controlled trial
Ashmita Karki, Central Queensland University, Australia
Title : Microalbuminuria and its correlation with HbA1c levels in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics: a cross-sectional study
Sammon Khan Tareen, University Hospitals Birmingham, United Kingdom
Title : The Menopausal Mind: Reframing female senescence as a neuroendocrine disorder with root cause management strategies
Amy Gutman, AdventHealth; Tough Love MD, United States
Title : Effect of BASNEF- based Nutrition education on nutritional behaviors among elderly people and mini nutritional assessment(MNA) on nutritional status in elderly with diabetes with Type 2 diabetes (A clinical trial intervention)
Davoud Shojaeizadeh, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Title : Association of Autoimmune Pathologies withType1 Diabetes: Epidemiological, clinical and metabolic aspects
Touzani Asmae, chu-Children's hospital, Morocco