Individualization of care with careful medication selection is increasingly recognized as one of the foundations of care for diabetes, which is not a disease of "one size fits all." The amount of time spent in a condition of hyperglycemia has long been known to raise the risk of complications. Hyperglycemia can leave a negative "metabolic memory" on cells of the vasculature and target organs, encouraging the development of difficulties in the future. Despite the necessity of meeting proper glycemic targets, there is still a gap between the goals specified and the goals achieved. Failure to commence or intensify treatment in a timely manner in persons whose health is expected to improve with this intensification is referred to as clinical inertia
Title : Does winter melon (benincasa hispida) improves nutritional values and ameliorating glycaemic parameters?
Wan Rosli Wan Ishak, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Title : Effect of a community-based health behaviour intervention on health-related quality of life in people with type 2 diabetes in Nepal: a cluster randomized controlled trial
Ashmita Karki, Central Queensland University, Australia
Title : Microalbuminuria and its correlation with HbA1c levels in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics: a cross-sectional study
Sammon Khan Tareen, University Hospitals Birmingham, United Kingdom
Title : The Menopausal Mind: Reframing female senescence as a neuroendocrine disorder with root cause management strategies
Amy Gutman, AdventHealth; Tough Love MD, United States
Title : Effect of BASNEF- based Nutrition education on nutritional behaviors among elderly people and mini nutritional assessment(MNA) on nutritional status in elderly with diabetes with Type 2 diabetes (A clinical trial intervention)
Davoud Shojaeizadeh, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Title : Association of Autoimmune Pathologies withType1 Diabetes: Epidemiological, clinical and metabolic aspects
Touzani Asmae, chu-Children's hospital, Morocco